Simple Money 4 You

Excel Worksheets

Almost every decision you make has a monetary impact—whether you are choosing to buy a cake for morning tea, deciding to buy a house or rent, or to invest or save for your future. This guide seeks to provide you with the knowledge to make the best decisions for your money.

Author Helen Hutcheson offers short, easy-to-read chapters on specific topics such as holidays, savings, spending, interest, and budgeting. Each chapter includes simple definitions and examples using both numbers and words to ensure you completely grasp the topic at hand.

Make your money decisions with the best information possible, carefully assessing the benefits, disadvantages, penalties and risks and make your money work for you!

Order now at $25.00 which includes postage in Australia.

New 365 Daily Calendar – simple and fun!

In the new 365 Daily Calendar all the tips from the book and more are presented.  Follow the red $ and find the saving tips. As you tear each page off please keep the ones that will help you learn about money matters.

Order now in time for Christmas at $20.00 which includes postage in Australia.

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Chapter 1 Personality and Money......1
Chapter 2 Children and Money.........9
Chapter 3 Employment.................23
Chapter 4 Time Management............33
Chapter 5 Money Management...........39
Chapter 6 Rules......................47
Chapter 7 Saving.....................53
Chapter 8 Spending...................57
Chapter 9 Loans......................69
Chapter 10 Interest..................85
Chapter 11 Credit Cards..............93
Chapter 12 Banks.....................101
Chapter 13 Record Keeping............111
Chapter 14 The Balance Sheet.........123
Chapter 15 The Income and Expense 
Chapter 16 Budgets...................137
Chapter 17 Cash flow.................151
Chapter 18 Tax.......................157
Chapter 19 Review....................171
Chapter 20 Insurance.................177
Chapter 21 Filing....................183
Chapter 22 Business..................189
Chapter 23 Fringe Benefits...........195
Chapter 24 Holidays..................199
Chapter 25 Investing.................207
Chapter 26 Retirement................225
Chapter 27 Superannuation............237
Chapter 28 World Economy.............245
Helpful Websites.....................255
Sample Worksheets....................257